
2014 – 2018 The Rodchenko Moscow School of Photography and Multimedia, Moscow

2007 – 2012 Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar

2011 Courses of conceptual photography of Suhoveeva E.V., Krasnodar

2010 Krasnodar school of photography (Eldar Ganeev, group ZIP), Krasnodar

Group exhibitions and festivals


21.12 – 03.04  Biennale «Art for the future». МАММ, Moscow

12.07 – 12.09 «Polymorphs». Gallery “GROUND Solyanka”, Moscow


19.09 – 11.10 «Access modes». Gallery “AIR”, ITMO, Saint Petersburg

27.07 – 20.09 «Cell». State Darwin Museum, Moscow

21.02 – 05.04 «Form of motion». Sevcable Port, Saint Petersburg


15.10 – 15.12 «Animal Internet». Gallery Khodynka, Moscow

13.06 – 21.07 «The poorest type: animals». Winzavod Contemporary Art Center, Moscow

13.06 – 21.07 «Alarm for instruction». Winzavod Contemporary Art Center, Moscow

05.04 – 02.06 «Post 3D». Electromuseum, Moscow

25.04 – 22.05 «Games in BAUHAUS». Russian State Art Library, Moscow


12.07. – 29.07  “(Im) possible-object”. CCI “Fabrika”, Parallel program of the 6th Moscow International Biennale for Young Art, Moscow

22.06. – 10.07  “Test group”. “The Ekaterina” Cultural Foundation, Moscow

09.06. – 19.06  “Rejection area”. “The Maxim Boxer” Art Gallery, Parallel program of the 6th Moscow International Biennale for Young Art, Moscow

29.04. – 09.05  “Art-subject”. The festival of contemporary art, Vladimir

28.02 – 25.03  “Moscow – Kazan – Moscow”. “The Tsarskaya Bashnya (Tsar Tower)” Art Gallery, Moscow


05.10 – 12.10   “Young photography 2017”. Berthold Centre, Saint-Petersburg

10.08 – 30.08   “Media city”.  “Bogorodskoye” Gallery, Moscow

30.07 – 06.08   “Jugooceanije 2017”. Dukley Art Center, Montenegro

04.07 – 13.08   “Workshop`17. Where no one dreams about dreams: from sacred geography to no-place”. ММОМА, Moscow

20.03 – 26.03   “Post-reality-show”. CCI “Fabrika”, Moscow


22.09 – 04.10   “Came out to show”. KC “Typography”, Krasnodar

13.08 – 14.08   “CONTOURS. SMENA GALLERY × RESEARCH_ARTS”. Square Baki Urmanche, Festival of art and new regional ethnography “Iskra”, Kazan

27.06 – 11.09   “About the Rodchenko School. Celebrating its 10th anniversary”. Multimedia Art Museum, Special program of the 5th Moscow International Biennale for Young Art, Moscow

23.06 – 31.07   “house-palace-salon-outskirts-museum-america”. ММОМА, Special program of the 5th Moscow International Biennale for Young Art, Moscow

09.04 – 23.04   “Reverse lookup”. Na Shabolovke Gallery, Moscow


26.09 – 25.10   “Hyperlocal: major discoveries”. ARTMUZA Art Center, Festival of contemporary art in the traditional museum, Saint Petersburg

15.07 – 30.07   “Game of birulki”. Zagorje Gallery, Moscow

24.04 – 10.05   “Point of knowledge”. ZIL Cultural center, Moscow


2017   Dukley Summer School, Kotor, Montenegro

2016   “SMENA GALLERY × RESEARCH_ARTS. Work in Progress” within the programme of the festival of art and new regional ethnography “Iskra”, Kazan

Other activities

2020 Days of Contemporary Art, Moscow

2019 Days of Contemporary Art, Moscow

2019 Hacklab, ММОМА, Moscow

2019 “Decolonising imagination” DOXA school

2019 Workshop “New story will come”, Schusev State
Museum of Architecture, Moscow


“22 thousand razor blades for the “Galatea”.”Sevcable” collected the wonders of moving art”,, February 2020

“Animal Internet. Debate around”, Speсtate, November 2019

“The poorest type: animals”, Dartz, July 2019

“Alarm for the instruction”, Dartz, July 2019

“We tried to look at Kazan as the capital, but without any quotes…”, Business Online, February, 2018

“Culture News”, Russia Culture, April 2017

“Everyday things migrated to the exhibition space”, Russia. Kuban, October 2016